Mining consulting engineer specializes in mining modeling, design and planning of mining operations in a field. Responsible for data audit, methodological support, reporting on frame modeling, design and planning in accordance with the Charter of the Professional Association of Independent Subsoil Experts. He has more than 9 years of experience in the mining industry, including 5 years of experience in working with mining and geological systems. Prior to joining the team of MIKROMINE Central Asia LLP, he worked as head of the planning department for mining and geological systems in the structure of Kazakhmys Corporation LLP. He is a member of the Professional Association of Independent Subsoil Experts.
The use of economic indicators in the methodology of medium-term mining planning in the mining and geological information system Micromine
The use of mining and geology information system is becoming more common in modern mining companies; therefore, the competent use of the functionality of software packages and development of appropriated methodologies is a very important and urgent problem. In this paper described method of middle-term planning in mining and geology information system Micromine for underground mining on an example of copper ore deposit with pillar-and-room system. Particular attention was paid to the consideration of economic indicators in determining the sequence of mining. A list of the necessary data for the implementation of this methodologies in the scheduling of underground mining in the software product Micromine is presented. Using of this method allow on planning stage to determine main technical and economic indicators, as well as to estimate efficiency of selected direction of mining. In this paper is provided example of reports and illustrations of results of working of this method in mining and geology information system Micromine.