"PAIZ" Ltd. Chief geologist, Dr. Ph, member of OERN. He is a specialist in the methodology of prognostic, prospecting and evaluation of gold deposits, author of 39 articles in mining and geological journals, member of the working group of "NAEN Code", 4 reports author of reserves evaluation for approval in the GKZ, 3 reports co-author of mineral resources evaluation by JORC Code rules. Moscow Exploration University (MGRI) graduated, Certified as "Competent person for the mineral resources and ore reserves evaluation" Worked - in Kyrgyzstan (South Exploration Expedition, KR Ministry geology office, in private geological firms: "Avista", "Burmash Project"; the foreign mining companies "Cameco", "Taldybulak Gold Mining Company", "IMC-invest") on the deposits: Tahtazan, Akjilga, Turuk, Solton-Sary, Taldybulak Levoberezhny, Kamyshanovsky; - in Kazakhstan (Kazzinc) on the deposits Vasilkovsky, Ridder-Sokolny, Maleevsky, Tishinsky; - in Russia ("Geo-Systema", "ARLAN", "Golden Projects", "Poluys Gold") on the deposits Lysogorsky, Pavlik, Karalveem, Verninskoe.